1. Sneezing in your palms: most of us are guilty of this and it is because we don't know that the palm holds germs. Your health is not only at risk but that of people that come in contact with you.
2. Sharing drinks with others: it is cool to share drinks with your friends but, do you know that during this process you are also sharing their saliva and the saliva can easily transmit disease.
3. Biting your nails: this is a bad habit. You cannot perfectly clean your hands all day long and that is why most germs hide in your nails, when you bite your nails, those germs enter directly into your mouth.
4. Picking up food from the ground for consumption: do not pick your food up once it falls from the floor because it is not healthy.
5. Leaving your wet towel to dry in the bathroom: many of us are guilty of this habit. We do not know that the towel attracts new germs and keeps the bacteria and germs you left to it while using it.
6. Cleaning your ear with your fingers: use cotton bud instead of using your fingers to clean your ear. It can block your ear canal thereby affecting your hearing. Cleaning your ear with your finger can also introduce bacteria to your hand and pose dangers to your health.