1. Visit Ado-Awaye: Ado-Awaye is a small, mysterious and fascinating town in oyo state which is rich in history and Culture. It is fast becoming a tourist attraction centre because of its amazing mountains and Plains, mysterious rivers and Lakes which include Ishage rock, Iya-Alaro, Agbomofunyake and Iyake lake that are making the town the tourist's paradise.
2. Go on Amala tour: without trying out a hot plate of Amala, Ewedu and Gbegiri, the story of your visit in Oyo is incomplete.
3. Visit Agodi gardens: Agodi garden is for those who crave for picnics, quietness, family timeout and a get-together with friends. Formerly known as Agodi Zoological and Botanical gardens, it is located at the foot of old Mokola Hill in Ibadan.
4. Picnic at UI Zoological gardens: the UI Zoological gardens is one of the best Zoos in the country and holds a wide variety of animals. It was established in 1948 and located in the department of zoology at the University of Ibadan.
5. Visit Irefin Palace: built in 1902, the ancient structure of the Irefin Palace is made up of 18 rooms and holds beautiful history of the people of Ibadan.