Mistakes that kill students'GPA'in University

Having full knowledge of mistakes that kill students 'GPA' in University,you will agree with me that there is no smoke without fire. After using your GPA calculator and you have less than 2.5 on a GPA scale of 5.0,you should know that you've made some certain mistakes.
    My dear,if you have found out that your 'GPA' is low and you need to attend to your academic performance,it isn't too late to take necessary actions. However, this article reveals the mistakes that kill students 'GPA' in University.

Inability to overcome procrastination:

procrastination is a grave where opportunities are buried. Many students wait for exams to be close before they begin adequate preparations. You can't predict the future that is why you shouldn't push things you can address now to the Future. Do not give in to procrastination.
don't say because Mr. A used an approach which worked for him, you will do the same or be like him. Try to be yourself and be unique.
one of the mistakes that kill student GPA in the university is pride. Pride kills your GPA faster than any other factor. You don't know something? Don't be proud of the person that ought to teach you, be humble! even God hates it!
Keeping bad company:
an adage says 'show me your friend and I will tell you who you are'.  Your friends are the picture of your future. Or your best friend is that unserious student in the class? Your best friend is the one with the poor performance. His/her unseriousness will definitely affect you.
You sleep too much:
too much sleep cannot awaken your GPA. It can't help you.
You blame others:
are you the type of student that always blames your lecturers or friends for your poor performance? Do you say, ' this lecturer doesn't like me' each time you fail? If you continue this way your GPA will die.
Skipping classes:
another factor that can be considered one of the mistakes that kill student GPA in the university is skipping classes. You are the type that keeps classes and you expect to have a high GPA. It's impossible. Do you know that the prophecies of your exam questions are some of the things your lecturer says in class? Better start attending that 'boring' lecturer's class to avoid burying your GPA with your own hands.
Addiction to technology:
if you are addicted to games, phones, films, social media like WhatsApp, Facebook Twitter, Instagram and so on, you are not helping matters. For a high GPA, try to put some limits on the above-mentioned.
Failure to improve yourself:
self-discovery is the Genesis of self-improvement. To be frank, involving in school politics or unionism without thinking of your primary assignment in the school makes your GPA drop.
Distractions from opposite sex: www.soulwriteempire.com
distractions from opposite sex will definitely affect your GPA therefore, run very fast!

I hope you run very fast from the mistakes that kill students' GPA in University as you've read this article.

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