It's very alarming the rate at which rape cases are recorded each day. The female gender is now being raped of her dignity and pride regardless of her age. The male gender seem to have forgotten that a 5 mins enjoyment for him is a life time of regret for her. Don't think only the male gender is guilty, boys are also being abused by their nannies, house helps, aunties and many more. This is why every sane person regardless of their gender have taken it upon themselves to be an advocate of anti-rape policy. We put up fliers and pictures on our social media handle telling the world to say No to rape. That's good! But there's a better way to fight this than just putting up fliers to show our dislike. We have to fight this battle from our secret place. You see most of these guys involved in rape can't get a grip on their sexual organs. Have you noticed that the excuse most of them give is *I don't know what came over me* and you think this is ordinary. See let's be realistic putting up fliers alone won't solve anything, we need to declare war against the source of this problem, the devil.
The campaigns alone can not solve the problem.
We have to pray for Spiritual Dislodging of the spirit of perversion.
No more campaigns! Let's do our own campaign in the place of prayer!
*"The prayers of the righteous availeth much"* 🔥🔥🔥
Let there be s reawakening of our spirit man. No matter your religion, let's fight this battle in our secret place. Let our voices be heard in one accord as we say #No More Rape
Romans 8:5 (Amp)
MP:For those who are according to the flesh and are controlled by its unholy desires set their minds on and pursue those things which gratify the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit and are controlled by the desires of the Spirit set their minds on and seek those things which gratify the [Holy] Spirit.
Good one, pastor miss ifeoluwa